Our Vision & Mission

Reaching out to every soul and telling the untold story of Christ

Vision Statement

  1. We envision a church where the members are fully grown spiritually and equipped in the word of God.
  2. We envision a church where there is exuberant worship and where members are being blessed due to their commitment to the Lord.
  3. We envision a church where leaders are raised out of the congregation by prayer and by the Holy Spirit’s leadership.
  4. We foresee a church where the people forgive and are being forgiven, serve and are being served, love and are being loved.
  5. We envision a church where the members are prepared for their eternal home.
  6. We envision a gradual and progressively growing church – both spiritually and numerically.
  7. We envision a church that affects the environment. The immediate and extended community, as well as the country at large.
  8. We foresee that by the end ten years, the following European countries would have reached with the Gospel and churches established. England, Belgium, Germany and France.

Mission Statement

Reaching the unreached and telling the untold and getting them established in the Lord. The scope of this outreach, covers villages, towns, cities and nations.

Evangelism Programme

Aim is to win as many souls for Christ through:

  1. Personal witnessing
  2. House-to-house visitation
  3. Hospital visitation
  4. Mini crusades
  5. Mass crusades