Providing ‘age-appropriate’ activities and content to maximize spiritual education and growth

Men Ministry
Our Men’s Ministry is an organization devoted to instructing young men on how they can become effective leaders of the body of Christ in today’s world.
Men’s Ministry is much more than just teaching Bible truths and keeping tabs on church attendance. This is because the members of a small group have to work together as a unit to achieve success. This is much different than simply trying to teach one another through the Word.
One of the first things that Men’s Ministry does is to develop the right spiritual fellowship. leaders do not need to hold office hours or have a Sunday church schedule. The members of a ministry want to learn and grow together, and so they look to each other to find mentors and teachers.

Women Ministry
Like most forms of ministry, women’s ministry is Jesus-centred. It’s all about helping other women to come to Christ and grow in Christ. It’s about encouraging people to understand the gospel, respond to the gospel and apply the gospel to every aspect of life. And that happens when women engage with God through his Word and prayer, in the community of the local church. Beyond that – there are many forms that women’s ministry can take!
Women’s ministry can involve:
- Running pre-evangelistic events.
- Being involved in social action projects with an emphasis on loving other women eg. crisis, pregnancy centres, visiting women’s prisons, visiting elderly housebound ladies.
- Friendship evangelism where we intentionally share the gospel with the women we meet in the office, the school gate or our ante-natal classes.
- Reading the Bible one-to-one with a Christian sister or non-christian friend.
- Helping a new Christian understand basic doctrine or Christian living.
- Leading a women’s Bible study group.
And many more…

Welfare Ministry
The Welfare Committee was formed by the church where it was formally inaugurated the seven-member Welfare Committee. The Pastor is the first line of contact members turn to regarding life changing issues and general welfare matters; he then refers them to the Welfare Committee.
- To provide guidance and counseling on courtship, Christian codes of conduct, responsibilities of couples and families.
- To provide guidance on the sacredness of Marriage and assist the couples and their families on related issues.
- To counsel couples and their families on wedding etiquette and legal requirements, advising on their roles and what to expect during the wedding ceremony.
- Offering counseling and assistance to families who are bereaved and providing advice and guidance on religious and legal requirements.
- To visits homes of members who are sick and bereaved.
- Settling of disputes among members and dealing with the general welfare of the church members.

Youth Ministry
Investing in today’s youth is necessary in growing the body of Christ. Teaching young people in the church to grow in their relationship with the Lord prepares them to serve Christ in all they do. As a result, this nurtures the congregation and allows the church to flourish.
Serving young people cannot only prepare them to become future leaders, but also allow them to contribute to the church. This is seen many times in the Bible, as God often used young people to do great things. For example, God used Timothy to pastor and lead the Ephesian church when he was a teenager. 1 Timothy 4:12 says, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”
In addition, there is much to be learned from the faith of a child. Matthew 18:2-4 says, “He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: ‘Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.’” Because of God’s heart for young people, it is important to recognize their value in today’s church.

Children Ministry
The future of the church society is in the hands of the children of today. It is by the children of today that the future of society is to be determined, and what these children shall be depends upon the home.
The primary objectives of the department are:
- Train our children to love the Lord Jesus Christ
- Develop a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Encourage them to live disciplined lifestyles in all spheres of life